MH5A9454_13x18_300_hI am an author and a political scientist focusing on international political economy and international relations. My research primarily focuses on the politics of international trade, the role of international institutions, such as the European Union and the World Trade Organization, as well the role of multinational companies in global trade governance.

I obtained my PhD from the University of Antwerp in Belgium and previously received my MSc from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. I currently work as a Post-doctoral Fellow at ETH Zurich at the Centre for Comparative and International Studies and also conduct research as a Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI). I previously carried out my own Marie-Curie project titled PROSPER (Politics of Rule-making Orchestration of Standards and Private Economic Regulations) at the World Trade Institute and served as a Guest Lecturer at the IE University in Spain, as well as a Max Weber Fellow at the EUI.

My current project aims to understand the impact of open border policies in Europe for the politics of  international trade and the role of MNCs in shaping regulatory outcomes in global fora. Amongst others, my previous work has been published by International Organization, Review of International Organizations, Journal of Common Market Studies, Global Policy, and the World Trade Review. 

For my ETH website, please click here. My Google Scholar page can be found here and my ORCID is available via this link.